Outstanding Quality Of Care
Our employee retention is the highest it has ever been, meaning greater consistency for clients and care provision. In order to retain our outstanding quality of care we continue to:
Maintain a strong, capable support team working in our office; supporting our care team, ensuring safeguarding for all.
Have health care professional oversight of all care packages; ensuring safety of service delivery.
Maximise background checks of employees & provide extended induction periods for new starters. To help ensure their confidence & competence when providing care services & for clients to build relationships over a period of time.
Increase our range of audits to help ensure consistency & quality assurance & compliance of all aspects of care delivery.
Purchase of more specialised equipment to ensure safe, inclusion for a larger number of clients
Maintain a structured workforce led by a senior team who have not only a passion for providing outstanding care but the desire to develop, mentor & train our team.
Educate people about the valuable work carried out by the care sector on a daily basis to boost recruitment & maximise retention of our professional care team. This work involves providing T level students with high quality placements, comparable with placements that the NHS provides.
Provide a range of learning & development opportunities – keeping our professional team engaged, ensuring they remain highly skilled, competent & confident in their roles. Learning & development opportunities includes attendance at conferences, care shows, engagement with webinars, internal & external training, mentoring & coaching support & completion of Apprenticeship qualifications.
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Why Choose Us?
Discover how our values of kinship, family, inclusivity & honesty enable us to provide exceptional tender loving care in your home.
Care & Support
Discover how our Care & Support Services are tailored to you, enabling you to live as fulfilled & independently at home as possible.
Meet The Team
Find out more about our wonderful carers & staff at Clifton Homecare who are dedicated to support you at home.